Basic Payment Scheme 2024

The Basic Payment Scheme and Entitlements are now a thing of the past and, as of the 1st January 2024, the new payment regime came into force and going forward, all subsidy monies will be paid under the Delinked Payment Scheme.

As has been written about before, all BPS claimants will have been awarded a Delinked payment and this has been calculated by taking the average of their Basic Payment Scheme claims from the years 2020, 2021 and 2022.All claimants should now have received a Delinked Payment Statement from the RPA, if you have not received this, then you should contact the RPA immediately, in order that you can receive details on how they have calculated your Delinked based payment, to check that this is correct. The Delinked Payment that the RPA have calculated, is your Base Payment and from this the progressive reductions, which have been happening for the last 3 years, will be applied, to calculate the monies you will receive annually.

In order to receive the Delinked payment, you solely need to have been a Basic Payment Scheme claimant in the past and do not now need to have the requisite land holding or indeed any land holding, to continue receiving the monies. The reduction applied in 2024 will be a 50% reduction on the first £30,000 (thirty thousand pounds) worth of payment, 55% reduction on the next £20,000 (twenty thousand pounds) worth of payment and 65% on any monies received over and above £55,000 (fifty thousand pounds) based on your Delinked reference amount.

As yet the RPA have not released the progressive reductions for the 2025 and beyond, although we do know that there will be NO payment in 2028.

You only have until the 29th February 2024 to query your Delinked payment, therefore, it is imperative if you have either not checked your statement that you have received or indeed have not received the statement, that you get in touch with the RPA immediately.

It is possible to transfer the Delinked payment under certain circumstances, whereby, there have been changes to businesses since BPS 2020 and the transfer window making any transfers between businesses, opened on the 15th February 2024 and runs until the 10th May 2024.After this date, the only reasons that the RPA will accept for any transfer of the Delinked payment is based upon if a claimant has passed away.

Therefore, if you believe there is a need to transfer any of the Delinked payment, which is attributable to you, or you believe that you should be in receipt of Delinked transfer from another business, then you need to act NOW in order that matters are rectified within the transfer window.

With regard to future payments, the RPA has confirmed that they will making future payments in relation to the Delinked payment twice in each year, with the first 50% of payment due from the 1st August, with the balance of payments being made payable from the 1st December, they have set out, that they anticipate to have made the balance of payments to ALL people by the end of January, therefore, if are anticipating receiving a payment in 2024, you should receive the first 50% around the 1st August with the balance of payment having been made at the latest by the end of January 2025.

Therefore, time is now of the essence with regard to receiving future payments, both for querying the Delinked Based Payment and also for instigating any transfers.

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