RPA Payments

Hopefully by now those who claim BPS should be in receipt of their first instalment of the de-linked BPS payment, which the RPA commenced paying from 1st August.Originally the balance of payment due for 2024 was due to be made, as in previous years, from 1st December but the RPA announced earlier in the year that in order to help farmers with their cash flow following the impact that the poor weather that we have experienced this year, they will commence making the balance of the payment from 30th September.

The RPA will send a remittance advice note in the usual way in regard to both payments received from them. In addition, they will send out a payment statement which will show the value of the total annual de-linked payment that you should have received, in order that customers can check the payments received are correct.

All remittance advice notes will be sent out by post but the payment statements will be sent by email to those customers for whom the RPA hold an email address.Therefore, it is essential that we check that the RPA hold a valid email address for you on the Rural Payments system to ensure that you receive the paperwork from the RPA in regard to the total payment made to you.

Earlier in the summer (if you can call the middle month of the year we experienced summer!), the RPA allowed applicants to express an interest in applying for SFI 2024 to allow them to operate a controlled roll out of the new scheme.This is still the case and anyone wishing to apply for a new SFI scheme can express an interest with the RPA by filling in a simple Expression of Interest form. They will assess this form and then invite the applicant to submit an application.

Currently the Expression of Interest forms are being turned around by the RPA quite swiftly and therefore if you are thinking of applying for SFI, then please do progress this matter.

The RPA have set out that they will be opening the SFI scheme for general applications very soon but in the meantime, the Expression of Interest form is a swift way to progress matters and then ensure that you can earn some additional money for your farming business.

PFK will be very happy to help with these applications.Therefore, please do not hesitate to get in touch if you are interested in applying.

Also, if you have any queries or are concerned that you have not received either the correct de-linked BPS payment or any BPS payment to date, then we will be more than happy to investigate matters with the RPA.

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Sunday, 26 January 2025
PFK Rural - Chartered Surveyors in Cumbria

10 The Courtyard, Edenhall, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 8ST