Summer 2022 Newsletter

Bringing you all the latest up to date information, our latest newsletter is now available to view by clicking the link below: In this newsletter, you'll find Jo Edwards' outlook on what we can expect in the coming months, why there is no time to waste when it comes to new ...

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Environmental Land Management (ELM) Scheme 2022: Sustainable Farming Incentive

 England is now in the second year of the phasing out of the current Basic Payments Scheme (BPS) and the transition to the new Environmental Land Management (ELM) schemes, these new schemes are based on the principal of 'public money for public goods', paying farmers and landowners public money for carrying out farming and land management acti...

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Spring 2022: A Land Agent's Perspective

With spring now well underway bringing with it the welcome feelings of a new season of fresh growth and longer days, from a Land Agent's perspective it's usually a barometer of where things are within the agricultural sector.Despite the very real concerns associated with rising fertilizer, energy, fuel and feed costs, demand for land remains high a...

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Half of English Basic Payment to be Paid in July

As a response to current cash flow issues, DEFRA has announced today (Friday, 6th May) that it is now using its freedom out the CAP to make a first half payment of this year's Basic Payment in England in July to those who have made eligible applications by 16th May. The balance of the payment will then be paid from December in the usual paymen...

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Important Update - Nutrient Neutrality Guidance

At the end of March 2022, all of the Local Planning Authorities in Cumbria received 'Nutrient Neutrality Notifications' from Natural England in relation to rivers and waterbodies in the catchments of Protected Habitat Sites. Natural England have issued this advice where Habitats Sites are in an unfavourable conservation status and additional nutrie...

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Find the right grant for you with PFK Land Agency

Over the last month there have been many announcements from the Government about future schemes and opportunities available to farmers.The most recent announcement gave more detail on the Animal Health and Welfare Review under which pig, sheep and cattle farmers will be able to apply for a grant for an annual vet visit to help to look at the follow...

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England - BPS Lump Sum Exit Scheme

 The long awaited details of the Lump Sum Exit Scheme (the "retirement scheme") have been announced by the Government. If you have given up land since 2020, or are contemplating giving up then this is something which should be considered.The headline details are:The payment will be calculated from a reference period of 2019 to 2021, and the av...

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Do You Need Agricultural Planning Advice?

PFK have been helping farmers, landowners, developers, rural businesses and individuals in all aspects of rural development for over 145 years. Our planning services encompass new residential development and agricultural workers dwellings, agricultural buildings and permitted development rights, local and agricultural occupancy conditions, lawful d...

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Planning for the Future

There has been plenty written recently about planning for the future given the changes which are pending in the agricultural industry, but one type of planning which seems to be in short supply is the planning on how to pass on your farm to the next generation. In a recent survey carried out by NFU Mutual, it found that 52% of farmers surveyed did ...

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Preparation is the ‘Key to Success’

Whilst it is no doubt nice to be able to look back on what, for many, has been a successful year in the farming calendar, with all commodity prices showing significant gains on recent years, as everyone in agriculture is aware, this shouldn't mask the changes that we all face in terms of the pending start to the reduction in the payments received u...

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Farming Investment Fund Opens

 DEFRA have launched the Farming Investment Fund. The Fund is made up of 2 strands – The Farming Equipment and Technology Fund and The Farming Transformation Fund. The grant is aimed at providing farmers, growers, and foresters with support to invest in the things which will improve productivity and help improve animal health and welfare and r...

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Where There is Muck There is Brass

Optimising use of organic manure not only benefits soil structure and health, but can also save a small fortune in artificial fertilizer costs. With nitrogen prices spiralling ever upwards at present and reaching heights which make you wince, now is the time to look to ensure you are making optimal use of the organic manure which you produce on you...

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Do Not Leave Matters Until the Last Minute to Maximise Benefit and Return

As we all know, things in farming are changing. BPS is reducing, starting with this year's payment. If you have had an HLS / ELS agreement, then these have either come to an end, or will do within the next couple of years. The Sustainable Farming Incentive pilot has been launched this year, with different elements being rolled out over the next cou...

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Time to sell with PFK Land Agency?

As the nights draw in, and autumn is heading our way fast, you don't immediately think of selling property, but if this is something you are thinking about, then now is the time to start planning. The rural property market is very buoyant at present, with demand being shown from a multitude of different property buyers, so if you are thinking about...

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New Graduate Land Agent appointed at PFK Land Agency

We are delighted to announce the appointment of James Martin to our Land Agency and Professional Services team, after having completed his Masters Degree in Rural Estate Management at the University of Aberdeen. James grew up in Cumbria and attended Queen Elizabeth Grammar School, just around the corner from our Penrith office. After moving away to...

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