Estate Management

Our commercially-focused professionals have wide-ranging experience of managing extensive portfolios of rural and commercial property.

We obtain a solid understanding of our clients’ precise needs and aspirations. In this way, we help them generate maximum value from their rural property assets and to achieve their strategic aims.

Our estate management team deliver a range of services, advising on matters including:

  • Strategic estate planning
  • Capital projects
  • Lease renewals
  • Rent reviews
  • Tenancy agreements
  • Sales and lettings
  • Woodland and forestry management
  • Sporting and mineral rights

Whatever the concern, our team can deal with all aspects that arise between landlord and tenant.

Where agreement cannot be reached through negotiation, we represent clients robustly at rental arbitrations, as advocates or expert witnesses. In situations requiring technical legal knowledge, we work alongside solicitors to achieve the best possible outcome for our clients.